Reunion 2024

Art Ryder, Mike Wright, Wyndell Peacock

Jim K, John P, Steve E, Mike W, Wyndell P, Kneeling...

Art R.

Charlie and Art

Sherry and Bill

Skip F. , Curtis H.

Cris F, Jim G

Mary, and Steve P , Bill C , Susan Maca

Terry Tumlin, Reid Scott, Bill Maca

front row, Spencer Tally, Art Ryder, Mike Wright, Jim Grey

Reunion 2023

Ken Gillion, and Kris Forstoff

"Talk about a sweetheart picture" Paula Horton, Sherry Moses, Patti Cunningham

Doug, Bill, Steve, and Ed

Hershel Hatcher, Russ Mathis

Skip and Ed

Neese and Shelly Boggs

Jim and Madeline Grey

"OUR" TKE HOUSE , 50 years later

Bill and Paula Horton

Steve and Mary Patton

Bill Castings and Tom "T.D." Davis

John Smiley

Curtis Hart, John Varner, Spenser Tally, Terry Tomlin

Cary Coggins

Bill Gower , Ed Welborn

Ed McGintey, and "Sorry don't know please help me with this missing person..

New 2022


Bill, Paula, Steve, Laura

Woody, Carolyn

Kerry, John, Terry

Curtis, Ed Terry

Jim and Steve

Group picture

New (2021)

Jim, Skip, Reid

Terry, Walter, Fred, Curtis

Jim, Fred, Becky, Madeline

Madeline and Laura alias Thelma and Louise




Sanford Stadium





Broken Bones

Little Sisters 1974

Very Bad Meals

Curtis Burr Hart

The House

Jay Ray, and Jim

What national champions drink






Teke-a-gram page 1

Teke-a-gram page 2

Teke-a-gram page 3

Teke-a-gram page 4

Freddy, Paul, Terry, Woody, David, and Jimmy

The real founding brothers

Upsilon Gamma Alpha

Crossing the plate

Swinging for the fence

Charlie Johnson and Jim Hopkins

John Varner, Mark Clem, Chip Bunn, Neal Gross

Curtis Hart

John, Carl, Glenn, Ron, Harlan

Reg Gowen, Ken Gillon, Billy Gower

John Varner, Freddie Long and Terry

Harland Kinsler

Greg Riffle

Video Gallery